Source code for

"""Datasets and their serving."""
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import dgl
import malt
import torch
from malt.molecule import Molecule
from typing import Union, Iterable, Optional, List, Any, Callable

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[docs]class Dataset( """A collection of Molecules with functionalities to be compatible with training and optimization. Parameters ---------- molecules : List[malt.Molecule] A list of Molecules. Methods ------- featurize(molecules) Featurize all molecules in the dataset. view() Generate a from this Dataset. """ _lookup = None _extra = None
[docs] def __init__(self, molecules: Optional[List]=None) -> None: super(Dataset, self).__init__() if molecules is None: molecules = [] assert isinstance(molecules, List) assert all(isinstance(molecule, Molecule) for molecule in molecules) self.molecules = molecules
def __repr__(self): return "%s with %s molecules" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) def _construct_lookup(self): """Construct lookup table for molecules.""" self._lookup = {mol.smiles: mol for mol in self.molecules} @property def lookup(self): """Returns the mapping between the SMILES and the molecule. """ if self._lookup is None: self._construct_lookup() return self._lookup def __contains__(self, molecule): """Check if a molecule is in the dataset. Parameters ---------- molecule : malt.Molecule Examples -------- >>> molecule = Molecule("CC") >>> dataset = Dataset([molecule]) >>> Molecule("CC") in dataset True >>> Molecule("C") in dataset False """ return molecule.smiles in self.lookup
[docs] def apply(self, function): """Apply a function to all molecules in the dataset. Parameters ---------- function : Callable The function to be applied to all molecules in this dataset in place. Examples -------- >>> molecule = Molecule("CC") >>> dataset = Dataset([molecule]) >>> from ..molecule import Molecule >>> fn = lambda molecule: Molecule( ... smiles=molecule.smiles, metadata={"name": "john"}, ... ) >>> dataset = dataset.apply(fn) >>> dataset[0]["name"] 'john' """ self.molecules = [function(molecule) for molecule in self.molecules] return self
def __eq__(self, other): """Determin if two objects are identical.""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.molecules == other.molecules def __len__(self): """Return the number of molecules in the dataset.""" if self.molecules is None: return 0 return len(self.molecules) def __getitem__(self, key: Any): """Get item from the dataset. Parameters ---------- key : Any Notes ----- * If the key is integer, return the single molecule indexed. * If the key is a string, return a dataset of all molecules with this SMILES. * If the key is a molecule, extract the SMILES string and index by its SMILES. * If the key is a tensor, flatten it to treat it as a list. * If the key is a list, return a dataset with molecules indexed by the elements in the list. * If the key is a slice, slice the range and treat at as a list. """ if self.molecules is None: raise RuntimeError("Empty Portfolio.") if isinstance(key, int): return self.molecules[key] elif isinstance(key, str): # NOTE(yuanqing-wang): Are we settled? return self.__class__(molecules=[self.lookup[key]]) elif isinstance(key, Molecule): return self.lookup[key.smiles] elif isinstance(key, torch.Tensor): key = key.detach().flatten().cpu().numpy().tolist() elif isinstance(key, list): return self.__class__( molecules=[self.molecules[_idx] for _idx in key] ) elif isinstance(key, slice): return self.__class__(molecules=self.molecules[key]) else: raise RuntimeError("The slice is not recognized.")
[docs] def shuffle(self, seed=None): """ Shuffle the dataset and return it. """ import random if seed is not None: random.seed(seed) random.shuffle(self.molecules) return self
[docs] def split(self, partition): """Split the dataset according to some partition. Parameters ---------- partition : Sequence[Optional[int, float]] Splitting partition. Returns ------- List[Dataset] List of datasets split according to the partition. Examples -------- >>> dataset = Dataset([Molecule("CC"), Molecule("C")]) >>> dataset0, dataset1 = dataset.split([1, 1]) >>> dataset0[0].smiles 'CC' """ n_data = len(self) partition = [int(n_data * x / sum(partition)) for x in partition] ds = [] idx = 0 for p_size in partition: ds.append(self[idx : idx + p_size]) idx += p_size return ds
def __add__(self, molecules): """Combine two datasets and return a new one. Parameters ---------- molecules : Union[List[Molecule], Dataset] Molecules to be added to the dataset. Returns ------- >>> dataset0 = Dataset([Molecule("C")]) >>> dataset1 = Dataset([Molecule("CC")]) >>> dataset = dataset0 + dataset1 >>> len(dataset) 2 """ if isinstance(molecules, list): return self.__class__(molecules=self.molecules + molecules) elif isinstance(molecules, Dataset): return self.__class__( molecules=self.molecules + molecules.molecules ) else: raise RuntimeError("Addition only supports list and Dataset.") def __sub__(self, molecules): """ Subtract a list of molecules from a dataset and return a new one. Parameters ---------- molecules : Union[list[Molecule], Dataset] Molecules to be subtracted from the dataset. Returns ------- Dataset The resulting dataset. Examples -------- >>> dataset = Dataset([Molecule("CC"), Molecule("C")]) >>> dataset -= [Molecule("C")] >>> len(dataset) 1 """ if isinstance(molecules, list): molecules = self.__class__(molecules) return self.__class__( [ molecule for molecule in self.molecules if molecule.smiles not in molecules.lookup ] ) def __iter__(self): """Alias of iter for molecules. """ return iter(self.molecules)
[docs] def append(self, molecule): """Append a molecule to the dataset. Alias of append for molecules. Note ---- * This append in-place. Parameters ---------- molecule : molecule The data molecule to be appended. """ self.molecules.append(molecule) return self
[docs] def featurize_all(self): """ Featurize all molecules in dataset. """ (molecule.featurize() for molecule in self.molecules) return self
@property def smiles(self): """Return the list of SMILE strings in the datset. """ return [molecule.smiles for molecule in self.molecules] @staticmethod def _batch( molecules=None, by=['g', 'y'], **kwargs, ): """Batches molecules by provided keys. Parameters ---------- molecules : list of molecules Defaults to all molecules in Dataset if none provided. assay : Union[None, str] Filter metadata using assay key. by : Union[Iterable, str] Attributes of molecule on which to batch. Returns ------- ret : Union[tuple, dgl.Graph, torch.Tensor] Batched data, in order of keys passed in `by` argument. """ from collections import defaultdict ret = defaultdict(list) # guarantee keys are a list by = [by] if isinstance(by, str) else by # loop through molecules for molecule in molecules: for key in by: if key == 'g': # featurize graphs if not molecule.is_featurized(): molecule.featurize() ret['g'].append(molecule.g) else: m = molecule.metadata[key] ret[key].append(m) # collate batches for key in by: if key == 'g': ret['g'] = dgl.batch(ret['g']) else: ret[key] = torch.tensor(ret[key]) # return batches ret = (*ret.values(), ) if len(ret) < 2: ret = ret[0] return ret
[docs] def erase_annotation(self): """Erase the metadata. """ for molecule in self.molecules: molecule.erase_annotation() return self
[docs] def clone(self): """ Return a copy of self. """ import copy return self.__class__(copy.deepcopy(self.molecules))
def batch(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._batch(self.molecules, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def view( self, collate_fn: Optional[Callable]=None, by: Union[Iterable, str] = ['g', 'y'], *args, **kwargs, ): """Provide a data loader from portfolio. Parameters ---------- collate_fn : Optional[Callable] The function to gather data molecules. assay : Union[None, str] Batch data from molecules using key provided to filter metadata. by : Union[Iterable, str] Returns ------- Resulting data loader. """ from functools import partial if collate_fn is None: # provide default collate function collate_fn = self._batch return dataset=self.molecules, collate_fn=partial( collate_fn, by=by, ), *args, **kwargs, )
[docs]def from_pandas( dataframe, smiles_column: str, y_column: str, ): """Read dataset from pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- dataframe : pandas.DataFrame The dataframe to read from. smiles_column : str The name of the column containing SMILES string. y_column : str The name of the column containing measurement. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( ... {"SMILES": ["C", "CC"], "Y": [1, 2]}, ... ) >>> dataset = from_pandas(dataframe, "SMILES", "Y") """ smiles_strings = dataframe[smiles_column] ys = dataframe[y_column] molecules = [] for smiles, y in zip(smiles_strings, ys): molecule = Molecule(smiles) molecule.y = float(y) molecules.append(molecule) return Dataset(molecules)